Saturday, June 8, 2013

Our second lemonade event

Today it was 98 degrees outside here in Danville, and I believe the only thing that was even warmer than the temperature was the passion and motivation of our kids to work on our second Lemonade Event for Dr. Hodes!

There were seven enthusiastic kids working with two moms in front of Lunardis and together we could share the word about Dr. Hodes with many people and we ended up raising $150.00 dollars!  For a lemonade event, it was a huge success!

Thanks to the generosity of the people who saw the true value of 7 kids working for a great cause.

Actually, that was the jingle repeated by our 7 "workers": Lemonade for a good cause!

Among the people that we talked to we had the opportunity to speak to a gentleman that suggested bringing our charitable group to the attention of the Rotary Club, where he is a member.  It will be an honor Sir!

On this blessed day, we also had the opportunity to talk to the vice mayor, Robert Storer, who was very polite and showed interest in our mission. We gave him a copy of the book"This is a Soul", with the hope that he will be as captivated by Dr. Hodes' story as we are, and some how, will join forces with us.

At last, we would like to thank Lunardis for the generosity of allowing us to set our lemonade event in front of their store. You helped to make it possible! Thank you.

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