Sunday, March 23, 2014

Vista Grande Students helped to raise part of the necessary money to build another well!

Last week there was a second fundraiser at Vista Grande Elementary School at Danville for Dr. Hodes. We were there working with the students to raise money for a well for the new school that has been built in Ethiopia with the help of our friend Robel Haile, from Bottles for Poverty.

In five days selling ice creams, t-shirts and beautiful cloth wallets made by an eleven year old girl named Alex H., we were able to raise $772!

Thank you very much VG students! Thank you Mrs. Hansen and the mothers and kids who worked with us helping to make this another success!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Spreading Dr. Hodes' cause with Italian children

By the beginning of the year we had the opportunity to talk about Dr. Hode’s story to ITALIANS kids!

That vivid audience covered us with questions and comments about what Dr. Hodes has been doing in Ethiopia for the last 20 years of his life.

It made us very happy to have the opportunity to talk about Ethiopia kids and to sell our T-Shirts to those young european new friends! We have deposited $200 at Dr. Hodes account.

Grazie mille for your support amici!