Thursday, November 14, 2013

A special gift from a young heart

A few days ago we received this special gift from a six year old girl, a student at Vista Grande Elementary School.  

When Lauren had her birthday party a few weeks ago she told her friends she didn't  want any gifts - instead she wanted money to help fund Dr. Hodes' mission! 

This beautiful young lady not only raised a couple hundred dollars for Dr. Hodes' cause, but also shared a precious lesson, the lesson of giving, with the 12 friends invited to her party .  Then, Lauren took to the money she raised from the party, $150.35, then opened her piggy bank and added $53 of her own money, and gave it to our group to donate- over $200 raised by a six year old!

This is a big part of what our group hopes to accomplish - to plant the lesson of giving to the less fortunate in children's hearts and minds.  Below it's a picture of Lauren with the letter she wrote to Dr. Hodes:

"My name is Lauren.  I am six years old and I am in the first grade at Vista Grande Elementary School in Danville, CA. I have saved up $203.35 which I would like to give to you.  Please use the money for a little girl.  You can buy her food, medisin, a doll, books and some cloths.  Or you can buy what ever you think she needs.  When I have some more money I will give it to you".

Very, very well done little Lauren!  Thank you very much!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Spreading the word during Halloween season

When people want to help they find so many different ways to do it: our friend Marcela Luma opened the doors of her house (actually her barn!) during a Halloween party for kids so we could talk about Dr. Hodes to her guests, the little ones!

We talked to several children and their parents about the kids in Ethiopia and Dr. Hodes. We sold 4 books while witches and ghosts surrounded us!
Thank you Marcela!

Cans, bottles, and old cell phones = helping African children

On October 25, 2013 we had our first Recycling Event at Vista Grande. It was a good beginning. Some children (and their families, thank you Julie Domde!) really applied themselves and brought a lot of cans and bottles to us. 

Thank you kids! You are helping the environment and Dr. Hodes!

We also were able to collect 15 old cell phones with another four my husband gave to us. Yesterday we mailed 19 cell phones to Recycle Rewards, to be recycled for money for our cause!  As soon as the company informs us how much we raised, we will let you know.

So, please start to collect your bottles and cans for next even, November 22, and start to talk to your relatives and neighbors to see if they have old cell phones to donate to us.  And to all the students from Vista Grande Elementary School in Danville California, see you on the last Friday of November!