Thursday, September 19, 2013

Skyping with Dr. Hodes (video)

Here we bring this new video with school children interviewing Dr. Hodes through Skype, asking questions about who he is, where he practices medicine, about children of Ethiopia and how children in our country can help them. It's only a few minutes long so take a look!

It's another wonderful educational video we all can show school children. The purpose is to provide information to educate the kids about Dr. Hodes' cause.

The children will not only find information about Dr. Rick, but will also see his enthusiasm and wonderful smile and laugh at the end of the clip, delighted to see kids from other parts of the world committing themselves to help kids in Eithiopia!

Children always bring a smile to our hearts, but when they are engaged in helping! Could we ask for better?! They bring not only happiness to our hearts, but a huge dose of HOPE for the future.

Please, take a look at it and be part of it!

Video about our cause - We Are All Connected (video)

We are glad to finally bring back to our blog and make available to all of you the video where we briefly tell a little bit of the amazing humanitarian story of Dr. Hodes and his wonderful cause to help the children in Ethiopia and East Africa.

The story is told by a group of children, in a way that it is narrated as if it was a "fairy tail". We believe that these two facts will help children at schools who will learn about Dr. Hodes, his mission and how each of them can make a difference by helping to naturally relate to the cause.

By the end of the video we have the participation of Dr. Hodes supporting our group and mission to help him.

Please, take a look at it and share it with your children!

Our goal is to make (through an educational and natural way) children of our area aware of other kinds of realities on the planet. It's also about inspirational people like Dr. Hodes and about how EACH OF THEM can truly make a huge difference by coming together and helping!

It has already happened here with real children exactly like YOURS. It's completely possible! We just need to want and put an effort on that direction.

Please, take a look at it:

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A beautiful postcard from Ethiopia

Last week, from Dr.Hodes' group in Ethiopia, we received a post card thanking us for our support, sharing the beautiful news that 17 kids were recently sent for life-saving spine surgery!  They also shared with us that in the past year 5 patients regained the ability to walk! They finished their post card saying: "Please spread the word. With gratitude, Daniel".

So inspiring.

We would like to extend these beautiful news with all of you and mainly say that WE are the ones that have gratitude in our hearts. Gratitude for all Dr. Hodes team exist and have been doing what you have done. Thank YOU.

And thanks to everybody that has been supporting our small group to help them.